CAS Swap Meet - December 7th 2024 Noon - 2PM

CAS Headquarters
5274 Zion Road, Cleves OH 45002

Join us at CAS on Saturday December 7th from 12PM - 2PM as we open our doors to local astronomy enthusiasts for a used astronomy gear swap meet. Buy, sell, trade astronomy gear at our headquarters on the West side near Cleves.

CAS will be offering for sale some used gear that we have been storing for a while as well as gear from our members and items donated to CAS.
See the list below for details.

Bring Your Gear
As our guests you may also bring gear for sale or trade. (*CAS will not be buying any gear, only selling gear at the event).

All items brought by guests must be removed by the end of the event. We cannot store nor be responsible for items left behind.

Allowed items:
Telescopes, mounts, tripods, wedges,  optical gear (eyepieces, reducers, barlows etc) Astronomy cameras, modified astro DSLRs, equipment explicitly used for astronomy.

Not allowed:
Anything that’s not astronomy equipment.

All items brought by guests for sale or trade need to be clearly labelled as to who owns them, with asking price.
Cash is preferred. Buying items from CAS we prefer cash, but can also take Venmo or PayPal.

If you are swapping or selling to other guests, please arrange for payment directly with each other. CAS is not responsible for transactions between individuals.

If you plan to bring equipment to the event, please email us ahead of time to let us know what you’re bringing. We will push out a list of available items in the days leading up to the event.

Send a list of your items to and we will add it to this page before the event date.

Current List of Items Being Offered

Items offered by CAS


[#13] Meade Giant Field Tripod
Condition: Very Good

[#6] Meade Standard Tripod, missing spreader bar,
Equatorial Wedge with level for 8" scopes, missing knobs on one side
Cond Fair

[#7] Meade Standard Tripod
Spreader Bar
Some Rust on Legs
Condition: Fair

[#8] Meade Standard Tripod
Spreader Bar
Meade 8" Equatorial Wedge
Condition: Very Good

[#9] Meade Standard Tripod
Spreader Bar
Meade 8" Equatorial Wedge
Peterson Eng. Corp. Plate
Condition: Good

[#10] Unknown Standard Tripod
Spreader Bar
Condition: Good

[#12] Meade Standard Tripod with Casters
Condition: Good

[#11] Unknown Light Tripod
Unknown 8" Equatorial Wedge
Condition: Fair

[#1] Celestron C8 80's Model
F10 8" 2000mm
32mm Erfle Eyepiece 1 1/4 Star Diagonal
6x30 Finder
AC Drive Non Functional
Condition: Good
Foot Locker Case
Condition: Fair

Scope $195
Case   $40
Total $235

[#3] Celestron Nexstar 8 F10
1 1/4 Star Diagonal Visual Back
Red Dot Pointer
Hand Controler, Non Functional [ See Note 2 ]
Condition: Good
Pelican Case 1650
Condition: Good
Scope $160
Case  $195
Total $355

[Note 2] Tried Celestron NexStar mount hand controller, did not work.
Purchasing the correct model hand controller might restore function. 

[#4] Meade Case, Black
AC / DC 12V 2.5A Converter
Micro SD Card Adapter
Body Caps
Blinky Flashers
12 Volt Cord
Card Board Box
Meade Light Switch ETX 8" F10 2032mm
1 1/4" 26mm Plossl Eyepiece
1 1/4" Diagonal
Red Dot Finder
AutoStar III Controler
Works, does not auto align. [ See Note 1 ]

[Note 1] Try to recalibrate CCD or Turn off GPS and manually set location and date to regain star alignment ability.

Condition: Very Good
Scope  $740
Tripod $200
Case   $ 60
Total $1000

[#5] Meade Reflecting Telescope D=114mm F=1000mm F/8.8
Optical Tube and Mount only
Needs slight colimation
Condition: Good

[#16] Meade 10" SCT F6.3
Powers Up, 12V DC, Stiff Dec Clutch
Meade 10" Equatorial Wedge
Handbox Non Functional
Finder, no eyepice
No power supply

Condition: Good
Wedge $175
Scope $300
Total $475

[#17] Meade 10" SCT F6.3
Powers Up, 12V DC
Drive Non Functional
No Controller or power supply.
Condition: Good

[#18] Meade 8" SCT
Powers Up, 12V DC,
Drive Non Functional
Needs focuser parts and rebuild.
No Controller or power supply

Condition: Fair

[#19] Meade 8" SCT
Telescope Only, in pieces.
Needs focuser parts and rebuild.
Condition: Fair


[#2] Meade Tripod
JMI Case w Meade LXD 55 Mount,
Non Functional
Hand Controler
Condition: Good

[#14] Meade LX50 10" Mount
Powers Up, 12V DC, Dec clutch needs work
No Controller or power supply
Condition: Fair

[#15] Meade LX200 10" Mount
Powers Up, 18V DC
No Controller or power supply
Condition: Good

[#22] Meade LX50 8" Mount
Powers On, Missing 3 panel screws
No Controller or power supply
Condition: Good

[#23] Celestron 8" Mount
No Controller or power supply
Condition: Good

[#20] 10" Kendrick Dew Shield
Condition: Very Good

[#21] Celestron 10" Equatorial Wedge
Condition: Good

[#24] Unknown Telescope Mount
Condition: Poor

[#25] Unknown Unpainted Equatorial Wedge
Condition: Good


Items offered by Bryan S

50mm Orion optilux eyepiece
Needs cleaning on inside glass. Otherwise nice view
Price new $129.00
Asking $60

40 mm Astrola eyepiece
Good. Needs cleaning. 
Price new??
Asking $25

32mm Astrola eyepiece.
Not great around the edges. Maybe needs a cleaning could be in the glass.
Price new ??
Asking $20

26mm Meade Super Plossl LP eyepiece. 
Decent. Needs a good cleaning. 
$25 new
Asking $20

25mm Orion Explorer II eyepiece.
Decent. Needs cleaning
$30 new
Asking $25

7mm - 21mm Orion Ultra Zoom eyepiece.
Decent zoom.
$60 new
Asking $40

25mm Kelner eyepiece.
Good. Sharp. 
Asking $25