CAS members engage in a variety of astronomy-related and non-astronomy-related activities as part of our organization. Listed below are some of the various things CAS members do to participate and contribute to our organization.
Members meetings
CAS members have an opportunity to meet formally on the third Friday of the month for our members meetings. At these meetings, members receive updates on the state of the organization and decisions made by the CAS Board, upcoming events and activities and items of interest in space news. Members discuss items of interest, things they have observed, techniques on observing or photographing the sky, and information on telescope equipment.
On some occasions members are treated to a presentation on astronomy or related topics from a local expert. After some meetings members adjourn to the telescope field for some observing, or visit a local establishment for some after hours revelry.
Public Outreach
Part of the mission of CAS is to engage with the public and we take that mission seriously. We have many members who are excited to bring their telescopes and show the universe to the general public. There are plenty of opportunities afforded to members to participate in fulfilling this mission, as we get many requests from groups outside our organization on top of the events that CAS hosts itself. Among the many groups we’ve partnered with include Great Parks of Hamilton County, Butler Metroparks, City of Fairfield, Green Umbrella, and Cincinnati Nature Center. We also host a monthly kids program*, CASkids, to engage the younger minds interested in astronomy. ( * = program currently on hold due to COVID)
And while the mission is to engage the public, these events are always another great way for CAS members to meet and spend time together discussing their favorite telescope or celestial objects.
Astrophotography and Astroimaging meetings
Members who are interested in photographing the night sky will find like-minded members who are interested in sharing their knowledge on how to advance. These informal meetings aren’t classes per se but more like open discussions about techniques to capture and process images in the night sky.
CAS Leadership Opportunities
CAS is a 501c3 non-profit. As such we have formal business to conduct to manage the organization. We always seek out members who have specific talents that can aid our organization, from administrative and financial, to public relations, facilities management and membership engagement. Our Board is comprised of five officers and six trustees. Elections are held every year for officers and a revolving schedule of two trustees per year are elected. We also always have a number of committee chairs who fulfill specific roles to help us realize our organizational mission.
A.L. Observing Programs
As a member of CAS, you are also enrolled in a membership to the Astronomical League (AL), an umbrella organization for amateur astronomy groups. The AL provides benefits to our members, the biggest of which is the ability to participate in their managed observing programs. They offer over 100 different programs, some tailored specifically to certain age groups, or suited for the kind of equipment you have, that encourage and teach members how to observe in a meaningful structured manner. CAS will guide members on how to get started in these programs, and help members submit them to the AL for approval. Once approved members are rewarded with acknowledgement in the quarterly The Reflector AL newsletter (which all CAS members receive), as well as receive an enamel pin, and certificate certifying the completion of the program. Some of the programs included are Lunar observing, Messier object observing, double star observing, and there are even programs for performing outreach and advocating for dark skies.
Special Members Meetings
CAS hosts three special members meetings per year. First is our Summer picnic, typically held in June, where members get together for some good old fashioned American grill out fun, followed by Summer sky observing. The second is our Holiday party in December, which is typically held pot-luck style. And the third is our September Board election, where the membership elects CAS leadership for the following fiscal year.
Dark Sky Campouts
For the last few years CAS has begun hosting at least two annual campouts for members at our dark sky sites. This is a great way to familiarize our newer members with the remote sites as well as another reason to gather and observe in dark skies. In some cases we are able to turn them into a CAS picnic when members offer to bring food and beverage offerings for everyone.
Volunteer Work Teams
As with any organization, the maintenance of our properties, facilities and observatories is critical for the continued success of the organization. Members are frequently called and respond to our requests to put together teams of people to repair, maintain and enhance our facilities for the benefit of all members. This is always another great opportunity for team building and for members to get to know each other and join together for our common cause.