Thank you for your interest in joining the Cincinnati Astronomical Society.

Please complete the form below. fill out all applicable fields including your preference on being listed in our member directory.

Member dues for all membership levels are for an annual membership to be renewed yearly, except for the Lifetime membership.

Terms for applying for membership: All membership sign-ups are subject to review by the CAS Membership Chair and CAS Board within 45 days. All membership sign-ups are considered applications until reviewed as such or after 45 days, or until the applicant is notified their membership is under review. However, most membership applications are reviewed within 24-48 hours. Any memberships which are declined will be given a full refund.

Applicant agrees to be included in the CAS member email list and/or text message list for the purpose of receiving Society-related emails regarding group activities, events and other communications. Member may choose to opt out of those lists at any time in the future.