The SIDs antenna in the CAS observation field

SIDs - Sudden Ionic Disturbance

Description by Stanford University from their SIDs page:
”The The SID Space Weather Monitor program is an education project to build and distribute inexpensive ionospheric monitors to students around the world. The monitors detect solar flares and other ionospheric disturbances. Two versions of the monitor exist - the original SID instruments, and a new, lower-cost SuperSID.

Earth's ionosphere reacts strongly to the intense X-ray and ultraviolet radiation released by the Sun during a solar flare. By using a receiver to monitor the signal strength from distant VLF transmitters, and noting unusual changes as the waves bounce off the ionosphere, students around the world can directly monitor and track these Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SIDs).”

Data is being collected at CAS by the SIDS team for member use. Please visit Jeff Roriguez’s SIDS page he has set up for CAS.
Click HERE to visit the CAS SIDs page.

Thanks to our SIDs team, Jeff Rodriguez, Emmy Bursk and Lois Oxley.